Myers Cocktail, Vitamin C, Glutathione, Phosphatidyl Choline (plaquex), Chelation Therapy (heavy Metal Detox), High Medical Level Oxygen, Nac, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Arginine, Ribose, Q10 And More… On… For Cancer, Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Hepatitis, Hiv, Pancreatitis, Kidney Disease, Memory, Neuropathy, Immunity,high Blood Pressure Heart And Many More…
John Myers was a physician from Baltimore, Maryland who pioneered the use of intravenous vitamins and minerals AND OXYGEN as part of the overall treatment of various medical conditions.
When Dr. Myers died in 1984, his work was continued by several other physicians around the country. As you will see, the initial Myers cocktail has been modified and, over the last 20 years, several thousand physicians are using Myers cocktail on their patients in treating their disease.
IV administration of nutrients can achieve serum concentrations that are not attainable with oral administration. For example, as the oral dose of vitamin C is increased progressively, the serum vitamin C concentration tends
to approach an upper limit, as a result of both saturation of gastrointestinal absorption and a sharp increase in urinary excretion of vitamin C. When daily vitamin C intake was increased twelve fold from 200 mg a day to 2500
mg a day, the plasma concentration increased by only 25% from 1.2 mg/dL to 1.5 mg/dL.
The highest serum vitamin C level observed after oral administration of pharmacologic doses of the vitamin was 9.3. In contrast, IV administration of 50 grams a day of vitamin C resulted in a mean peak plasma level of 80 mg/dL.
Similarly, oral administration of magnesium results in limited or no change in serum magnesium concentrations whereas its IV administration can double or triple the serum level, at least for a short period of time. Peak
serum concentrations of nutrients are also generally higher after IV and after intramuscular administration because the former results in more rapid entry of nutrients in the blood stream.
Certain nutrients have been shown to exert pharmacologic effects which are in many cases dependent on the concentration of the nutrient. For example, an antiviral effect of vitamin C has been demonstrated at a
concentration of 10-15 mg/dL, a level that is achievable with IV but not oral therapy.
In addition to having direct pharmacological events, IV therapies may be more effective than oral or IM treatment for correcting intracellular nutrient deficits. Some nutrients are present in a much higher concentration in c
ells than in serum. For example, the average magnesium concentration in myocardial cells is 10 times higher than the extracellular concentration. This ratio is maintained in healthy cells by an active transport system that
continually pumps magnesium irons into the cell against the concentration gradient. In certain disease states, the capacity of the membrane pump to maintain normal concentration gradients may be compromised. In one
study, the mean myocardial and magnesium concentration was 65% lower in patients with congestive heart failure and cardiomyopathy than in healthy controls.
Since magnesium plays a key role in mitochondrial energy production and ATP, this intracellular magnesium deficiency may exacerbate heart failure and cardiomyopathy which leads to a vicious cycle of further intracellular
magnesium loss and more severe heart failure.
IV administration of magnesium produces a marked increase in serum concentration thus providing a window of opportunity for ailing cells to take up magnesium against a smaller concentration gradient. Nutrients taken up
by the cell after an IV infusion may eventually leak out again, but perhaps some of the linking can take place before they do so.
If the cells are repeatedly flooded with nutrients, then the improvement may be cumulative. It has been my observation that some patients who receive a series of IV injections become progressively healthier. In these
patients, the interval between treatments can be gradually increased and eventually the injections are no longer necessary. Other patients in my practice seem to need regular injections for a definite period of time in order to
control their medical problem. The sicker they are, the more they need therapy.
This dependence on IV injections could conceivably result for many of the following: a genetically determined impairment in the capacity to maintain normal intracellular nutrient concentrations, or an inborn error of
metabolism that can be controlled only by maintaining a higher than normal concentration of a particular nutrient, or even a renal leak of a nutrient. In some cases, continued IV therapy may be necessary depending on the
patient because the disease is too advanced to be reversible.
Another problem that I see frequently in the office is food allergies with a resultant malabsorption syndrome secondary to gut irritation. This generally results in a compromised patient simply by nutrient deficiencies always
compounding the patient’s problems. When I do try an oral supplement for such a patient, it is often incompletely or minimally absorbed. On the other hand, if I give the nutrient intravenously, I pretty much known it is going
to go where we want it to. It just makes sense that the odds are a great deal more on our side with intravenous road.
IV therapy is sometimes the only way to begin some patients on the road to recovery.
Many patients who are severely nutrient deficient are unable to absorb those very nutrients they lack through their intestines. For example, magnesium is a good example. The result is, of course, that they get sicker. Often
oral supplements will make them ill or they simply will not tolerate them. The very patients who has the most severe deficiencies are the ones who are often unable to take oral supplements without having problems. Even if
they can, they likely will not absorb them because of a severe food intolerance and intestinal mucosal injury.
Lastly, intravenous therapy almost works instantaneously.
We still must rely upon constant oral therapy for most of our patients, but that always takes time to work, a minimum of three weeks and sometimes up to three months or so. Please be aware that IV treatment with the same
nutrients works much quicker.
The use of intravenous nutrients has steadily increased over the years. As reported in the medical literature of which all physicians now have easy access, if you are interested in intravenous therapies and the different
nutrients available, I suggest you look at PubMed (Medline).
I will give a short synopsis of some relevant supplements that I have used and are in the literature. Be aware there are many others.
Alpha lipoic acid (ALA):
Alpha lipoic acid has shown dramatic benefits when given to patients intravenously. It has been used to reduce the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy and to effectively treat neuropathic pain in these patients. Improved
endothelial dependent vascular dilation is also seen in type 2 diabetes. It has also been used for several years for rarest types of cancers and for the treatment of hepatitic C LIVER AND PANCREASE DISEASE
B6 and Folate:
These two have been reported to be useful in seizures, some drug toxicities, NEUROPATHY and to lower homocysteine. REPAIRS DNA AND RNA AND IMPROVES IMMUNITY.PREVENTS DEPRESSION, APPETITE LOSS,
Intravenous B12 has been shown to reduce homocysteine and neuropathy in end-stage renal disease. It has also been reported to be of benefit in uremic and diabetic neuropathy in dialysis patients. It has been used
successfully to treat Alzheimer’s-like dementia. It has also been noted to stop wheezing in an acute asthmatic attacks.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid): HIGH DOSE
The published literature pertaining to vitamin C is prolific. During my cancer, I have taken intravenous vitamin C for years and now am maintained on oral therapy. Several articles have been written and have discussed the mechanism and action as to why vitamin C works to kill cancerous cells and spare healthy ones.
Only high dose intravenous vitamin c kills cancer cells. Oral doses do not reach levels to kill cancer.
At the university of kansas school of medicine they found that plasma concentrations os 40 mg/deciliter can kill cancer 100 percent of the time. The finding was confirmed at
The national cancer institute in the us as published in the annuals of internal medicine 2004
Vitamin c causes interferon, increase motility of your white blood cells, increases phagocytosis, increases immunogobulins igg, igm and iga. Raises complement level. Raises
Pgi2 and pge2, reduces histamine, reduces thrombaxane and increases interleukin production.
Vitamin c leads to increased immunity
Vitamin c is both anti oxidative at low dose and pro oxidative at high dose which at this dose kills cancer cells thru apoptosis or cell death it also prevents tumor invasion
And decreases inflammation seen in cancer
It is known that vitamin C induces the formation of peroxide in human cells. Peroxide is highly toxic to all cells, but normal cells have a large supply of an enzyme called catalase which converts potentially harmful peroxide to
hydrogen water. Cancer cells on the other hand have 10 to 100 times less catalase than do healthy cells. Hence, the peroxide produced by IV or even oral vitamin C cannot be detoxified by these cells. The result is death of the
Although other mechanisms are also known, I feel this is the most important. There has been also a great deal published on the anti-inflammatory effect as well as the antioxidant effect of vitamin C especially pertaining to
endothelial of the coronary arteries and congestive heart failure.
Articles have also shown the positive effects of vitamin C for compromised endothelial function in arteries of patients with Kawasaki’s disease. Vitamin C is also used in my practice for treating acute viral infections, chronic
fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and many others.
Carnitine may be especially useful in patients with chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, MEMORY, cardiac disease including congestive heart failure, ARRYTHMIA and cardiomyopathy as well as dialysis. There is also a benefit for type 2 diabetic patients with peripheral vascular disease AND MUSCLE WAISTING DISEASES.
We know that Q10 is necessary for patients taking statins and is especially of benefit for those with congestive heart failure and cardiac issues. A published study of intravenous Q10 indicates it may protect the myocardium during cardiac valve surgery. Q10 is also needed for renal, cerebral, and many other functions in the body.
Glutathione (GSH):
Glutathione is a potent endogenous antioxidant that protects major organs from oxidant injury.
It is clearly demonstrated in the medical literature that in many disease states there are very low glutathione levels.
These occur as we age, as we accumulate toxins or take prescription drugs, etc.
Adequate glutathione levels are essential for immunity and a long life. Low glutathione levels predict a low energy state with other chronic diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease and cancer.
It is considered to be the most potent detoxification system agent made by the body and can be synthesized in the body from the amino acids L-cysteine, L-glutamic acid, and glycine.
Glutathione is a free radical scavenger and is extremely important in our bodies. I measure it routinely in my patients. Oral glutathione unfortunately has a maximum and limited absorption, so it is no wonder that the
potential of IV glutathione is remarkable since very high tissue levels can be achieved.
Intravenous glutathione can reduce or eliminate tissue damage in patients with liver disease and toxicity. It has been shown to be beneficial when reducing the toxicity of different chemotherapeutic agents to normal cells.
In addition, intravenous glutathione has shown to improve pain-free walking distance in patients with peripheral obstructive arterial disease, reduce damage in early septic shock and reverse some adverse effects of diabetes.
Most notably, it improves anemia in patients with chronic renal failure and aids in the removal of mercury in patients with high mercury levels.
I have used glutathione for approximately 10 years and have seen dramatic results when used intravenous in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. Glutathione is a wonderful, wonderful antioxidant and is used for several
disease states. It also ensures a long and healthy life. I routinely myself obtain periodic glutathione injections. It is good for liver, brain, kidney and dextox. I HAVE REVERSED HEPATITIS, PANCREATITIS AND KIDNEY
We have a greater abundance of literature advocating IV use for this than any other nutrient. There are many articles such as the treatment with intravenous magnesium for the treatment of acute asthma
. It is a bronchodilator, and the medical literature talks about many articles of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with emphysema and bronchitis benefiting by magnesium. We know that magnesium is used
during toxemia and eclampsia of pregnancy, and anesthesiologists have found that intravenous magnesium can reduce the amounts of anesthetic given to patients and reduce postoperative requirements for analgesia. It also
produces hypotension when necessary during operative procedures. heart patients and high blood pressure also benefit.
Intravenous magnesium has been life-saving in the treatment of ventricle and atrial cardiac arrhythmias in many types of situations. IV magnesium has also been proven to decrease the incidence of death in patients with a
cute myocardial infarction.
Magnesium has been used extensively in the field of neurology and neurosurgery. It has been shown to reduce vascular spasm in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage and beneficial in patients with idiopathic sudden
sensorineural hearing loss. It can also be a wonderful effective treatment for patients with migraine headaches and patients with neuropathic pain not controlled by opioids.
The bottom line, intravenous magnesium has been proven to be effective for scores of conditions and likely will continue to appear frequently in the medical literature for treatment of many others.
PLAQUEX THERAPY (Phosphatidylcholine):
This makes up 70 % of the human cell wall. This therapy is excellent for atherosclerosis, brain, kidney, liver and detoxification.
N-acetyl cysteine (NAC):
NAC has been shown to prevent and reverse renal damage and is probably best known with its lacing of properties in the treatment of Tylenol or acetaminophen overdose for liver toxicity It has been shown to be liver
protective, an effective treatment in hepatitis.
It is a rate-limiting step in the formation of glutathione which is extremely important. NAC has been shown to lower plasma homocysteine levels and has a strong renal protective effect in patients undergoing cardiac
catheterization. It has been shown that it can prevent or treat an otherwise fatal neuropathy course by contrast media in cardiac catheterization. it also makes glutathione.
Other intravenous therapies: The list is too long to mention, although other intravenous therapies include ribose, phosphatidyl choline, zinc, taurine, selenium, mineral mix, and chelation therapies with EDTA.
The nutrients that make up the basic Myers cocktail are vitamin C, B6, B12, B complex, sodium bicarbonate, calcium gluconate, magnesium chloride, and pantothenic acid. The mixture is usually injected via slow IV push or
using an IV bag. Other nutrients such as Q10, ribose, carnitine, alpha lipoic acid, etc., are added depending on what I am treating the patient for. Every patient is treated individually.
- Asthma
- Migraine
- Fatigue.
- Fibromyalgia.
- Depression.
- Cardiovascular disease including coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, and cardiomyopathy.
- Upper respiratory infection.
- Sinusitis.
- Allergic rhinitis.
- Athletic performance.
- Others
We also use amino acid therapies, immune and energy iv to repair and rebuild your body.
We also use high oxygen oxidative treatments to get you feeling better by raising your immunity and oxygen while killing your cancer and alleviating your pain
In my experience and the experience of thousands of other doctors, the Myers cocktail is a safe and effective treatment for a wide range of clinical conditions.
In many instances, this treatment is more effective and better tolerated than conventional medical therapies.
Although most of the evidence so far is anecdotal, some published research has demonstrated the efficacy of the Myers itself or some of its components. I feel that widespread appropriate use of this treatment would likely reduce the overall cost of health care while greatly improving the health of many individuals. I begun having Myers cocktails in 2000 when I was first diagnosed with lymphoma, and I continue to receive them. At the current time, I am cancer free. Additional research is needed to confirm the effectiveness of this treatment and determine optimal doses of the various nutrients.
If you would like to have a Myers cocktail or intravenous high-dose vitamin C ,Chelation Therapy or Phosphatidyl Choline or Glutathione or any of the intravenous therapies I mentioned, please call my office for an in-depth consultation to see if you are a candidate and if they would benefit you. Remember, vitamins, hormones and detoxification are the key to a long productive life.
Please see my cancer section for other intravenous therapies to get you on the road to recovery.
Best in health,