In the year 2000, I had an abnormal CAT scan, as well as an abnormal PET scan which was compatible with lymphoma. That started my journey into the world of integrative oncology.
After reading this you will learn how to personalize your cancer treatment and find out which chemo and natural vitamins will kill it. Learn how oxidative iv therapy floods
Your body with oxygen to improve your recovery.
You will learn about circulating tumor cell ( as seen in the new england journal of medicine march 28, 20130. It had a sensitivity to find cancer cells of 98 %.
It was called a liquid biopsy .
It is well known and widely accepted in the scientific community that the primary tumor comes from and consists of stromal (fibroblasts, monocytes, lymphocytes, vessels
Etc.) and the malignant cells tumor cells. They are very few in number and only these will develop metatastic capability. A large proportion of these cts’s are actually cancer
Stem cells. These cells have all the necessary information for micrometastasis and spreading of the original cancer site.
These cells are then expanded and tested for chemosensitivity and natural substances and their kill rate of your cancer.
The test also reveals important genes related to growth factors, self repair, angiogenesis, cell cycle regulation, apoptosis, metastasis, drug metabolism and resistance and gene markers . These genetic patterns then can be manipulated with natural inducers or inhibitors.
Learn about a new cancer vaccine made from your blood. You don’t have to leave the country anymore. It’s available now. Available thru your testing.
Learn how and which natural substances will kill your cancer. Some of the many are.
Poly mva………. Dca(dichlroacetate)……….. Low dose naltrexone……… Metformin……… Actonel and zometa,………Verapamil……….. Cox 2 inhibitors,…………Pro oxidative treatments,……Artemesium………. Ahcc…..Mammary pmg……. High dose intravenous viamin c……… Vitamin k……… Vitamin d………… Q10,………Melatonin……… Indole 3 carbinol……… Omega 3 …… … Thymus,………Iscador…….. Imm-kine……… Aloe vera……… Brocolli……….Curcumin ……..Green tea……. Arabinogalactin……… Genistein…… ………… Vascustatin………Ukrain…… … Pancreatic enzymes,…… Resveratrol………Avemar,………Ginseng……… Salicinium…… Modified citrus pectin ………. Super oxide dismutase……….. Paw-paw…….And many others can kill your cancer.
Stem cell analysis and chemosensitivity testing are here today to identify those treatments that work best for you. The information obtained from gene expression is valdated in micro culture will the effect of each indicated substance wull be tested. All results are reported in % effectivness of each agent regarding their apoptotic (cell death) ability.
Learn how lithium and cesium can help in your fight. Learn how tagamet can raise your immunity.
Learn how you metabolize chemotherapy and if it will come back.
Learn how targeted low dose chemotherapy has been used for very many years to treat cancer worldwide. It targets the cancer while sparing normal cells.
We use the chemotherapy as a smart bomb or tyrojan horse to minimize collateral damage to your body.
By using a small dose of chemotherapy there are virtually no side effects. Learn your options.
Get nutritional iv treatment with with high dose vitamin c, myer’s coctail, immune iv’s, energy iv’s, detoxification iv’s ,glutathione, poly mva, salicinium, dca, artemesium , oxidative therapies to flood your body with oxygen.
Learn how vitamin and antioxidant use is beneficial for you.
The facts that support the use of antioxidants in cancer are the following;
1. Oxidative stress created by chemotherapy drugs stops the division cycle of the cell. These may inhibit the activity of some chemotherapy drugs.
2. Chemotherapy drugs not connected to a specific phase are also damaged by cell cycle arrest during chemotherpay treatment.
3. Antioxidants don’t prevent apoptosis of cancer cells.
4. In most cases oxidative stressd prevents the cancer cell from initiating apoptosis.
5. Cancer patients have high levels of free radicals and strong oxidative stress( compared to healthy people which need to be neutralized by antioxidants.
6. The addition of free radicals created by chemotherapy to those that already exist in the body of a cancer patient encourages the development of the cancer process.
7. Cancer patients have low levels of antioxidants prior to chemotherapy treatments.
8. Chemotherapy empties the body’s antioxidant reserve therefore they need to be refilled.
9. High levels of the antioxidant vitamin c given intravenously prevent glucose entry into the cancer cel so it can’t grow.
10. Most chemotherapy drugs do not use the oxidative stress created for cancer cell destruction. A meta analysis showed that in a antioxidant chemotherapy combination that although they make free radicals they do not use this production mechanism for their cytotoxic activity. More and more studies point to the benefits of combinung them together.
10. Bleomycin and mitomycin c are the only chemotherapt in which the production of free radicals is the main cause of cancer destruction.
11. Empirical and critical experiments show that the combination of chemotherapy and antioxidants doesn’t damage chemotherapy effectiveness, but infact improves it.
13. Free radicals created as a result of chemotherapy mainly lead to severe side effect, including damage to the heart, kidney, brain and nerves
14. The combination of chemotherapty and antioxidants substantialy reduces chemotherapy side effects such as heart, brain, nerves, balding, lung, colon, mouth etc.
15. Toxicity reduction allows chemotherapy administration in larger dosis for extended periods of time and more regularly , thus imroving treatment results.
16. Conventional medicine also uses antioxidants like cardioxane and mesna against chemotherapoy side effects. These do not interfere with effectiveness
17. Antioxidants have a direct anticancer effect. By leading to apoptosis, antiangiogenic, change gene expression, prevent tumor growth, reduce effects of sex hormones causing cancer, raise immunity and reduce rate of genetic mutation
18.Antioxidants improve radiation efficiency
19. Antioxidants can imrove the survival of a cancer patient
20. The combination of several antioxidants is recommended and to acheive the desired effect high intravenous doses as with vitamin c should be used
New studies reveal they resulted in increased survival times, increase tumor response, or booth, as well as fewer toxicities than controls.. However the lack of adequate
Statistical power was a consistant limitation. None of the reported studies showed evidence of negative results with antioxidants and chemotherapy.
Vitamins and minerals help stabilize free radicals . Free radicals are atoms with an unpaired electron number, making them very unstable which damages the cell and with
Excess causes cancer. These free radicals damage your mitochondria, cell membrane, cytoplasm and cell nucleus to cause cancer
You need to repair your mitochondria so you can heal. They regulate energy production from all the food you eat, activate your electrical and biochemical pathways, activate
Your immune system and keep the ph in your body on an alkaline level .
Antioxidants and cancer:
Free radicals are the primary cause of dna damage mutation and cancer. Antioxidants can prevent the formation of cancer. They can become pro oxidants especially when used in high doses like vitamin c. In this form they become cytoxic substances that destroy cancer cells.
Antioxidants don’t act inside tumor cells. These cells have a anaroebic metabolism which doesn’t allow for the formation of oxygen free radicals. The antioxidants modulate the enzyme activity of protein kinases involved in cell transduction. They also exhibit cytostatic (cancer inhibiting) and cytoxic ( cancer destroying) activities.
Vitamins and other food supplements in cancer do the follwong good things for you:
Stimulate your immunity………Change the genetic expression of cancer to express favorably………. Preserve the cell membrane……… Facilitate cell to cell transmission……… Prevent bad prostanoids and leukotrienes thus lowering inflammation……… Prevent the activity of hyaluronidase and elastase enzymes thus decreasing spread……… Increase collegen to decrease tumor spread……… Prevent topoisomerase activity which decreases the replication of cancer cells,………Initiates dedifferentiation to transform precancerous to normal……… Initiates apoptosis or cell death of abnormal cells……… Promotes detoxification……… Maintans a alkaline environment, prevents extrapermeability of the blood vessels so cancer can’t spread tpo different organs.
Why aren’t large well designed studies of antioxidant supplementation initiated with chemotherapy? Because you can’t patent vitamins that is the reason. No money for drug companies and big pharma.
Learn how tumor cells suffocate and die with oxygen treatments.
Oxygen shortage from smoking, lack of exercise, obesity and stress lead to low oxygen in the body. The metabolism of proteins, lipids, white sugar, flour, alcohol, caffeinated drinks and bad food also leads to low oxygen. Oxygen shortage leads to the accumulation of toxins in the body and chronic diseases mainly cancer. This was found out by otto warburg who won the nobel price.
Lack of oxygen leads the cell into anerobic metabolism and dedifferentiation into abnormal cancer cells.
The cancer cells continue using anerobic respiration even with oxygen present in their environment. The cancer cell grows.
This leads to sugar fermentation with the production of lactic acid in the pyruvate cycle.
High sugar feeds the cancer.
Anaerobic metabolism leads to more acid in the cell which leaks out of the cell killing normal tissue around it.
Acidosis increases cancer cell spread and metastisis by making new blood vessels around the cell, killing normal cells and lowering our immune response .
Tumors contain regions with low oxygenation and high acidity. Low oxygen turns on bad genes that allow the cancer to grow and spread.
Low oxygen is associated with genetic instability, cancer spread, chemo resistance, resistance to radiation and a poorer prognosis.
Oxygen treatments bombard the cancer cell and cause the following…………………………
They increases oxygen supply to the tissues, improve liver detoxification, improve cellular metabolism., upregulate your own body’s anti-oxidant system, reduces clot formation, destroy bacteria, fungus, virus, upregulate the use of oxygen by the cells and improve recovery from stress and crisis.
We use several different oxidative treatments. We can refer you for hyperthermia which is heat to kill your cancer.
These are all included in your medical cocktail tailored to you and your cancer.
Get your cancer vaccine made from your own cancer cells.
Starve your cancer learn what to eat learn how to alkalize your body. Limit sugar, add mct oil to your diet and limit animal protein.
Learn how to detoxify , get rid of heavy metals and toxins. Learn how to minimize side effects.
Repair your mitochondria and reverse the cancer process and spread.
Learn how to live with cancer as a chronic disease. The therapy does not have to kill you. Detoxify, rebuild, repair.
I had studied oncology in medical school, as well as internal medicine residency, and it was never imaginable to me that I would come down and be stricken by cancer myself. At that point in my life, I was overstressed,
sometimes working in four hospital 24 hours a day. I was a busy cardiologist, seeing up to 40 patients in the hospital daily. The phone rang all night long, and my days turned into nights. When I asked myself why I got cancer, back then I didn’t know, but today it is clearly evident to me. There is a brand-new field entitled metabolic oncology, and it is now viewed by many physicians that cancer is a metabolic disease. Inherited genetic cancers are a very small amount of cancer, but most importantly is the environmental or epigenetics, which is the influence of environment over our genes and the resultant metabolism that occurs.
In my case, the initial insult came from being overweight and eating too much sugar, which we now know directly feeds cancer. My diet was extremely poor, mostly eating at the hospital cafeteria–diet sodas, snacks, sugary treats, and bad processed foods. In addition to that, I had several infected teeth with a chronically impacted wisdom tooth with a chronic bone infection in my jaw. In addition to that, many root canals of mine had become
infected and drained into my chest.
These influences on environment were the primary cause of my cancer.
We all have little mitochondria, which are little batteries in our bodies, and in cancer cells, the mitochondria become dysfunctional, and this is the primary cause of my cancer, and I feel all cancers are caused by
mitochondrial dysfunction. Once there is a defect of mitochondrial function, there is increased aerobic glycolysis and secondary gene changes which increase cancer spread and growth. WE REPAIR YOUR MITOCHONDRIA
The book entitled Cancer as a Metabolic Disease is a must read for physicians and patients with cancer.
It was recently written by Thomas N. Seyfried, Ph.D. In this book, he talks of the origin, management, and prevention of cancer.
As noted in Cancer as a Metabolic Disease, the hallmarks of cancer include:
Self-sufficiency and growth signals.
Insensitivity to growth inhibitors.
Evasions of programmed cell death (apoptosis).
Limitless replication.
Sustained vascularity (angiogenesis).
Tissue invasion and metastasis.
Many of my treatments are based on how I treated my own disease and treated my dad’s bladder cancer, which was diagnosed back in 2007.
I cured his cancer using molecular and genomic analysis to find out which natural substances and chemo were best for his bladder cancer. Also, I tested him for alternative substances, and he was on a vast array of vitamins and hormones. Interestingly enough, his cancer was cured, and he lived another six years and finally died from Alzheimer’s. This was probably secondary to the mercury he absorbed from working as a dentist for over 55 years.
I believe that cancer therapies are in the midst of change, and I feel the need to talk to my patients about possible conventional, as well as integrative, therapies. I pick the best of all therapies. Most importantly, all patients with cancer need to know that cancer can become a chronic disease, and it is not a death sentence. If you are interested, read on.
Once I was given the cancer verdict, I was overwhelmed, and I had a range of emotions. I often felt numb and immobile. My emotions included denial, shock, anxiety, self-pity, anger, and hopelessness, but I would like to tell every cancer patient out there that they should not be rushed into a decision.
Cancer patients need to remember that, by the time the cancer has been detected, it has probably been growing in their body for months or years. Therefore, an immediate decision about the treatment therapy may not be necessary, because one or more days or weeks or even a month, may not make a difference in their survival.
Like I did, I feel my patients should get second or third opinions, and I feel that an alternative medicine opinion is extremely useful.
In my practice, I try to err on the side of optimism with my patients. I never give them a prognosis or a time frame for survival. Over the years, I have seen many people go into remission who I thought would never.
Empower yourself. Learn what cancer is, and integrative approaches. As soon as I was diagnosed with cancer and I got over my initial feelings, I took control of my health and I empowered myself by going to medical meetings and listening to hundreds of physicians. I traveled the world, going to the Orient, spending time in Germany, and spending time in Mexico, as well as Costa Rica and other countries. Doing so, or speaking to a physician like me, could very well save your life.
Please do not rush into surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy without knowing all the possible complications, both short-term and long-term. For example, a radical prostate removal is not a simple procedure. A 50-year-old
man whose prostate has been removed will face an 80% chance of erectile dysfunction for the remaining 30 years of his life. On top of that, other effects like bladder pain, pain from the procedure, risks of anesthesia, and infections can happen. Complications can occur. All of this needs to be factored in.
There are other important considerations you need to talk about. You need to know cancer’s specific nutritional requirements. You need to know that sugars feed cancer. You need to know it needs an acidic environment to live. You need to know it lives in a low-oxygen environment, and you need to know that ketones will help kill cancer.
Something else that you need to know, is that cancer cells grow through variables, and all cancers are genetically different. One breast cancer is not like another breast cancer. You also need to know that many cancers are extremely slow-growing. Other cancer cells, like cancer stem cells, may lay dormant for years, even decades.
MOST oncologists use acceptable protocols for treatment, based on what has been established by the National Cancer Institute. These protocols provide a road map for treating patient-specific histologies, pathologic grades, tumor markers, and hormonal status, if this is appropriate.
These protocols include the stage of disease, as well as the age and performance status of the patient, and a list of approved drugs by Medicare and Medicaid. Various types of radiation, including external beam, radioactive
seed therapy, proton beam therapy, or cyber knife radiology therapy, are often included in these protocols. In addition, a list of hormone options and targeted therapy is also offered.
Many conventional oncologists now use various internet prognosticating programs to determine outcome percentages, based on whether certain protocols are followed or not. These programs make the conventional oncologist look like he or she is using or making her decisions strictly on evidence-based medicine. The problem is that conventional oncology is not sure if these treatments will work.
Rarely, if ever, does any meaningful discussion of secondary options take place, such as diet, nutrition, alkalization, raising oxygen, or vitamins discussed with the patient. I think it is a must, and I have been on these therapies for the last 13 years.
Take control of your life like I did. I took control of my life and my destiny, and 13 years later, I am still alive. Missing from the protocol of radiation or chemo are the most important physiological and biochemical properties of these fast-growing cancers. This is where cancer as a metabolic disease comes into play. This is where dealing with the underlying energetics of the cancer cell itself is important.
Absent from most conventional protocols is Genetic Analysis of your cancer and measurements of both natural substances and chemotherapy to kill your cancer.
THIS IS CALLED CHEMOSENSITIVITY TESTING. Remember, all cancers are different. Two women’s breast cancers may be completely different genetically and may respond differently to different chemos and different natural substances.
I feel that testing the gene for the cancer is important, as well as circulating tumor cell analysis to pinpoint the specific drugs and natural substances that the patient needs to kill his cancer. These genetic tests determine the proper drugs to prescribe, as well as supplements, hormones, and targeted therapy to work best against the patient’s specific cancer.
This is vital information and serves as a blueprint for identifying what works and what does not.
The patient also needs to know, and to keep in mind, how to respond when a friend tells you that alternative therapies are not evidence-based. The person needs to know that only 20%-30% of doctors do on a daily basis, what has been subjected to evidence-based medicine. Any time a patient is on more than two prescribing drugs, there is no evidence-based study proving anything. This was made in a statement by Stephen Chernisky, a former
professor at University of California-UCLA.
Cancer is increasingly affecting developing countries and their healthcare systems. The U.S. economy will not be able to bear the financial burdens. Cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide, surpassing malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV. The worldwide price tag is thought to be about 1 trillion dollars annually. The estimates from the American Cancer Society say that the number of new cases of cancers will double by the year 2030, just
a few years from now.
The problem in the U.S. is that we have the highest economic burden in absolute dollars, than anyone in the world, and it is rising. Cancer caused more economic damage than any of the world’s 15 other leading causes of death–20% higher than heart disease, the next leading cause. These statistics, taken together, can make a compelling case that we must begin to reduce the cost to our healthcare system of conventional cancer treatment policies that we can no longer afford. Real cost containment means prescribing fewer chemos in lower doses and with less radiation, and starting more cancer prevention education programs. This is what I try to teach each of my patients.
Integrative oncology is the best of both worlds–namely, conventional, protocol-based chemotherapies and complementary therapies which augment chemotherapy with safe, non-toxic alternative therapies.
Integrative oncology looks into self-healing properties of the body, as well as the molecular biology of the cancer itself, incorporating the importance of sugar-free diets since we know sugar feeds cancer.
We know that cancer cells are acidic through increased lactic acid and alkalization with alkalizing diets are extremely important in helping the spread of cancer and decreasing their growth. Other therapies involve raising oxygen levels, specific vitamin therapies, herbal therapies, and amino acid therapies.
I believe that the use of these modalities with a targeted, LOW DOSE fractionated chemotherapy based upon your CANCER’S GENES in combination with immune-stimulating and supportive therapies will, in the long run, contribute to a higher success rate with fewer side effects. As I said earlier, cancer can be a chronic disease.
As I found out the course of my cancer, I do with my patients. I think a complete nutritional analysis to ascertain the vitamin levels, the free radical levels, and the amount of mutation, is extremely important.
I need the patient to be in an anabolic phase and not losing muscle mass or have a wasting syndrome.
A complete hormone panel, using a 24-hour urine, is performed on all cancer patients to optimize their treatments. Heavy metal analysis is performed, and in my case, I had heavy metal detoxification and my amalgams mercury fillings were removed. I also had many root canals that were pulled that were infected.
Only approximately 5% of all cancers are caused by gene mutation. This is an extremely small amount. We are now realizing THAT EXTERNAL PHYSICAL TRIGGERS TURN ON CANCER CELLS. We know that ultraviolet radiation from sunlight is the main trigger for skin cancer.
Ultraviolet radiation causes a mutation of the P-53 gene. The damaging effects of sunburn in youth may not manifest as skin cancer until decades later.
Another physical factor is exposure to electromagnetic fields, increasingly common due to explosions of cell phones, computers, TV screens, iPads, electrical transmission poles, and overhead lighting. Epidemiological studies show that brain cancers, head and neck cancers, breast cancers, and various blood cancers may be triggered by using visible electromagnetic fields.
Other sources include geopathic stress and radiation.
There is nuclear radiation from nuclear plants and industrial sources, and there is ionizing radiation, which occurs from x-rays.
The third is radon gas, a radioactive colorless and odorless gas that is found in many areas in the country and is listed as a trigger for lung, gastric, colorectal, and blood malignancies.
Remember that a single CAT scan of the chest may be equivalent to 100 plain chest x-rays in the form of radiation exposure, and a PET scan performed with a radio tagged sugar molecule may deliver five times the radiation dose and exposure of a single CAT scan, so do not be overzealous in getting scans.
IN my case, it was smoking cigarettes in college and medical school, followed by a poor diet and stress, as well as infected teeth and radiation exposure in the cardiac procedures i did. I think we need to keep a diet low in simple sugars, red meat, milk products, fried foods, cured or smoked meats, food additives, sodas, and saturated fats.
ONE OF MOST IMPORTANCE IS THE ELIMINATION OF SIMPLE SUGARS. Cancer cells have more insulin receptors than any other cell in the body, and they thrive on sugars.
Cancer-fighting foods should include the colored vegetables, including peppers, squashes, melons, berries, and citrus foods.
Organic foods should be consumed whenever possible, and organic range-grown fowl and fish free of mercury should be eaten.
I do not drink fluorinated water or chlorinated water, and I do not drink water polluted by heavy metals and toxic chemicals.
I would tell my patients to include fresh juicing, green tea, berry juice, and pomegranate juice, and make sure the water they drink is alkaline. You can check your pH and see if you are acid or base.
Helicobacter pylori is a bacteria that causes not only peptic ulcer disease, but also gastric carcinoma and distal esophageal cancers.
Hepatitis B and C are known to cause liver cancer. Human papilloma virus Types 16 and 18 have been identified as the major cause of female cervical cancer.
Also note that Epstein-Barr virus, known as EBV, has recently been recognized as an agent in certain lymphomas as well as in nasopharyngeal cancers and anorectal cancers.
Kaposi’s sarcoma is a rare form of skin cancer, and it is associated with a herpes virus Number 8. We also know that various parasites , such as schistosoma, are associated with bladder cancer and clonorchis is associated with liver cancer. Toxoplasmosis has also been described as a causative agent for lymphoma, but it has not yet been scientifically proven.
Some feel fungus may also cause cancer. YOU NEED TO KILL THESE INFECTIONS.
In my case, I had an infected wisdom tooth or chronic osteomyelitis on biopsy. This caused chronic free radicals and inflammation. In addition to this, I had many infected root canals that were draining into my chest for years, unknown to me. Add in thousands of hours of fluoroscopy, which is radiation, and my bad diet, and I was a recipe for cancer. I REFER TO BIOLOGIC DENTISTS
Biologic dentistry has long known the relationships between dental disease and many systemic diseases, including cancer.
Remember that dental amalgams usually contain more than 50% mercury and lesser amounts of silver, tin, and nickel. Heavy metals act as a free radical, which are highly-charged reactive ions that can damage the DNA, and triggers cancer.
Other heavy metals, such as arsenic, uranium, lead, and cadmium, are known carcinogens for many cancers, including lungs, skin, bladder, and bone marrow cancers, including leukemia, lymphomas, and myelomas.
The only certain way of removing these is by mobilizing them from deep tissues through a heavy metal detoxification.
Other things like herbicides and pesticides and toxic chemicals in our environment, are causing a real problem. There is a twelvefold increase in pesticides exposure within the last 70 years.
Tobacco is another trigger. A third of United States adults either smoke or use smokeless tobacco, and there is an unknown percentage exposed to passive smoke in confined spaces. It is no surprise that tobacco remains the Number 1 carcinogen in the U.S., according to the United States Public Health Service. Lung cancer related to smoking is now the leading cause of cancer deaths in both men and women. It is estimated there are as many as 450,000 cases of cancer diagnosed yearly, related to tobacco smoke. In addition, there are head and neck, as well as throat and mouth cancers. Cancers of the esophagus, stomach, pancreas, kidney, cervix, and bladder have also been connected to tobacco smoke, and please note that smokeless tobacco has been proven to be both a trigger and promoter of lips, tongue, oral mucous membrane, and tonsil carcinomas.
Often described as a co-carcinogen along with tobacco is alcohol. In excess, it is an initiator or promoter of cancers of head and neck, esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, and bladder. Long-term use of alcohol can result in cirrhosis and excessive iron loading in a condition called hemosiderosis. This condition reduces natural killer cell function and is immunosuppressive.
Without the knowledge of the Genetic Markers for specific tumors, I feel that it is like “shooting in the dark” to develop a drug protocol that works best for the patient. Remember that no two cancers are the same; they are genetically different and this must be tested, I feel, on each patient.
This is called chemosensitivity testing and circulating tumor cell analysis.
I feel that the complex biochemical analysis of all of these genetic factors and their relationship to existing chemotherapy and targeted natural substances is a must. With these, I can then make a blueprint quite definitive for each agent that works or does not work on my patients. Not only do I test for chemotherapy, but also for natural things that I feel would help get my patients’ cancer under control.
Scientists have discovered a test that can revolutionize the way doctors evaluate and treat cancer patients. This technology involves the detection and genetic assay of circulating tumor cells in the bloodstream. Once these are
found, then specific chemotherapies are tested, as well as natural substances, to see which specific thing kills the cancer. These circulating tumor cells are the metastatic seeds that can break away from the primary site for the
cancer and spread to other parts of the body.
Understanding circulating tumor cells is critically important, since it is the spread of the cancer throughout the parts of the body and not the primary cancer that is often responsible for the death of the person.
Up to now, medical science has focused primarily on the primary tumor, basing treatment decisions on the specific characteristics of the primary cancer cells.
However, circulating tumor cells can be genetically different from the primary cancer.
Treatments designed to attack the primary tumor could fail to destroy the circulating tumor cells. The cleveland clinic has recognized this circulating tumor test as the top medical innovation for 2009.
I feel that every patient should obtain a circulating tumor cell analysis, as well as a genetic analysis, to identify the expression of therapeutic targets and chemo resistance
That are unique to the individual’s circulating tumor cells.
Improving prognosis with circulating tumor cell studies. Will your cancer come back?
It is crucial in evaluating cancer patients to establish an accurate prognosis, which provides a prediction of the probable course of outcome of the disease.
Currently, the ability to provide an accurate prognosis is far from perfect.
Now scientists have found that the amount of circulating tumor cell analysis can improve accuracy in the clinical outcomes of these patients. The findings of these studies can have a huge implication when health treatment is tailored for the individual. At the University of Texas at M.D. Anderson, circulating tumor cell analysis was done on 151 women with metastatic breast cancer. These patients were also evaluated for other prognostic cancer
marks, such as hormone status and CA-27/9 and HER-2 status. Those who had five or more circulating tumor cells had a median overall survival of 13-1/2 months. The median overall survival of those with less than five circulating tumor cells was over 29 months.
The researchers went on to say that “Circulating tumor cells have a superior and independent prognosticetic factor.”
Researchers at Thomas Jefferson University compared the levels of circulating tumor cells in metastatic prostate cancer in men.
Again, the findings were remarkable. For the men with five or more circulating tumor cells, the median overall survival was only 8.4 months. For those men with less than five circulating tumor cells, the median survival was
over 48 months. In other studies, in those of prostate cancer, 60% of those who were found to have positive circulating tumor cells had progression of their disease during radiation therapy, while there was no disease progression if the circulating tumor cells were negative.
The circulating tumor cells predict treatment effectiveness.
One of the most exciting potential uses of this technology is to allow doctors to evaluate treatments’ effectiveness during the early phases.
The studies obtained in patients during course of treatment, showed that the higher the circulating tumor cells, the worse the prognosis, and the testing determined which patients were not responding and whose cancer would continue to progress with ineffective treatment.
The author of the study concluded that, “Detection of elevated circulating tumor cells at any time during therapy is an accurate indication of subsequent rapid disease progression and mortality for metastatic breast cancer patients.”
Circulating tumor cells predict the risk of relapse.
One of the most important questions people ask me is, “Will it come back? Will I relapse?” A growing number of studies have revealed that circulating tumor cell analysis testing can accurately predict the likelihood of recurrence in cancer patients. In a 2006 study in Spain, the group testing positive for circulating tumor cells had a 269% increased risk of relapse and a 300% increased risk of death, compared to the group testing for negative. This was in the case of 84 high-risk breast cancer patients after they had received initial chemotherapy. It was performed in Spain.
I feel that circulating tumor cell analysis should be performed on all cancer patients.
By detecting the number of these cells in the bloodstream, I get important information about a patient’s prognosis, as well as a guide in my treatment decisions. The greater number of circulating tumor cells in the blood have been linked with increased metastasis, as well as poorer progression and survival.
An evaluation of these cells may offer a higher predictive value than other tests commonly used, as well as imaging studies, and finally monitoring these circulating tumor cells may also provide valuable information about the efficacy of treatment and the risk of re-occurrence.
Designing a individualized personalized cancer treatment just for you advanced molecular analysis.
Chemosensitivity testing is now available with low dose chemotherapy and natural therapy tailored to your own cancer genes use iv nutritional support with things that really will kill your cancer cells. … Raise your energy, raise your immunity, detoxify, eat a cancer killing diet
For decades, traditional medicine with cancers was based on a one-size-fits-all approach in which everyone with a particular cancer received the same treatment.
Tragically, this approach has failed to benefit the vast majority of patients.
Now, exciting new advances in the circulating tumor cells, as well as measuring the genetic characteristics of these circulating tumor cells and how they respond to specific chemotherapy as well as natural substances, is
This technology offers great potential to optimally design an individualized program targeting the specific weakness of this potential metastolic cancer.
Because SPREADING cancer cells often have a completely different genetic composition than the primary, including their aggressiveness and therapy responsiveness, we need to evaluate them.
I feel that all cancer treatment should be individualized. Some drugs work for one person and do not work for another.
Everybody’s cancer is different.
Sometimes natural substances will kill your cancer. Oxygen also helps in the battle.
I offer a complete program of oral and iv therapy personalized to you. We use poly mva iv and oral, dca, vitamin c iv and oral , oxidative therapies, meyer’s coctails, immune
Boosting therapies and many more such as metformin, ketokonazole, vit k, tagamet, low dose naltrexone, avemar, ahcc, ip6 and many more. Read more at the beginning of this lecture.
I use a special method to administer low dose chemotherapy based on you personalized testing. I will also work with your oncologist and support you thru your chemotherapy
And radiation if you are having traditional therapy.Nutreitional intravenous therapy, oxidative treatments, immune boosters and detoxification to support you.
Did you know you can get a cancer vaccine made from your own cancer cells? It’s available now and you don’t have to leave the country to get it.
I feel that integrative oncology is a new and growing field, and needs to be explored by patients with cancer.
The current cancer treatments in this country are not working.
We have not won the war on cancer, as Nixon predicted.
With the use of metabolic oncology, as well as extensive nutritional analysis of the patient, including his vitamins, hormones, and heavy metals status, we can optimize each patients’ chance for success.
The new advances in dietary changes and available biochemical modulators are available here and now.
Most importantly, circulating tumor cell analysis, as well as measuring the genetic characteristics with molecular analysis of each cancer GENE in the chemosensitivity test is now available.
You need to know which chemotherapy works and which natural therapy works. I FEEL THAT TARGETED LOW DOSE CHEMO IS BETTER TOLERATED AND IT MAY BE YOUR CHOICE TOO.
You need to know your options.
We will support you with nutritional iv and oral therapy too like vitamin c, poly mva, salicinium, dca, artemesium , ahcc, low dose naltexone, vitamin d, avemar, ip6, tagamet, curcumin, metformin, cox 2 inhibitors, and others as mentioned above.
We use oxidative therapies to flood your body with oxygen.
We use a cancer vaccine made from your own cancer cells.
If you would like more information on my integrative oncology approach for yourself or a loved one, please call my office for a consultation.
After you are educated and know the options, then it becomes your journey.
Best in health,
Dean R. Silver, M.D.