The cases of neuropathy that I have treated over the years have been induced by environmental factors. These include excess sugar testing and diabetes, inflammation as well as with vascular dysfunction and oxygen deprivation. There is a combination of the direct effect of high blood sugar on nerve cells as well as damage to the small blood vessels that provide blood to the nerves. In the peripheral neuropathies there is numbness and tingling that begins in the toes and feet and gradually progresses up to the leg to the hands and arms. In diabetic neuropathy there may also be diminished or altered sensation of pain and temperature in the affected body parts. Some people described a burning or electrical sensation or stabbing pain.
Obviously with neuropathy it is been recently found to be a multifactorial disease. There is a combination of toxins, infection, inflammation, and altered blood flow with destruction of nerves. Recent studies have shown that it is also autoimmune in nature.
Integrative Treatment for Neuropathy
I have treated many people with neuropathy and have been successful. Most of the patient’s had nutritional deficiencies and/or infection such as Lyme or viral infections. Obviously autoimmune testing for foods and chemicals is important. Leaky gut needs to be repaired.
Stem cells have now been used with good success for neuropathy not only can they protect and restore the insulin secreting cells of the pancreas thereby lowering blood sugar, but they can also relieve the diabetic neuropathy and pain with other complications. Stem cells may also improve blood flow to damage to nerves, helping reduce pain Also the stem cells are able to reduce inflammation. I perform intravenous injections as well as direct injections at the site of the neuropathy. Other therapies include repletion of critical nutrients and minerals as well as eradication of toxins and infections.