To lower high blood pressure, I encourage my patients to switch to the Pan-Asian Mediterranean Diet.
It is simple. You must change your diet if you want to be successful in lowering your blood pressure. But, how should you change it? That is simple too. I believe in the PanAmerican Diet, a combination diet followed by the people of the Greek Island of Crete, also known as the Mediterranean Diet, and a diet commonly among people living in the Asian side of the Pacific Rim.
The Cretan Diet
is a primitive diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fresh food, various kinds of beans, monounsaturated olive oil and sauces, and occasionally flavored with some lamb, turkey or chicken. The diet favored around the Pacific Rim is bountiful with fish, fresh vegetables and fruits, locally harvested seaweeds and soy products. What makes both of these diets so beneficial to heart health and particularly your blood pressure, is that they are rich in Omega 3′s. So, how do Omega 3′s lower your blood pressure?
They stimulate nitric oxide (NO). Nitric oxide is made by the inside of your blood vessels in the endothelial cell and is paramount to you remaining healthy and young. It keeps your arteries properly dilated, and counteracts the vasoconstrictive effects of your stress, causing high blood pressure. In addition to this, I would suggest juicing with Kale, beets, ginger and apples. It is delicious. Please try it. We also have a product with arginine as well as B6, B12, and beet powder, which increases nitric oxide.
The key to eating for a healthy heart is essential fatty acids.
Given a separate study of essential fatty acids published in 1995 supported the assumption that it is healthy for your heart. People who ate two meals with fatty fish per day such as salmon, anchovies and mackerel experienced a 30% reduction in cardiac arrest. Four fatty fish meals per month were associated with a 50% reduction in cardiac arrest. Essential fatty acids cannot be manufactured by the body, and hence, the name “essential”. It penetrates layers of cholesterol-laden plaques, smoothing inflammation of blood vessels, and preventing blood clotting deposits from lining the coronary arteries.
Essential fatty acids
can also prevent spasm of the coronary blood vessels and rupture of plaque.
In this context, the advantage of the Mediterranean Diet for Heart Health is clear; it, along with the diet favored in the Pacific Rim which is rich in Omega 3′s. The typical Western diet, by contrast, is made up of refined carbohydrates and animal proteins including few if no Omega 3′s; hence, the epidemic of heart disease in the United States.